Whole30 – Epilogue: Eat all the grains!

We woke up early our first day off, ready to eat anything our fat little hearts desired. But surprisingly, we didn’t go as crazy as we could have. It seems that eating a certain way for 30 days has, at the least, a temporarily enduring effect. Don’t get me wrong, I ate a lot of garbage this weekend, but I still refrained from eating as much as I could have. But, I wasn’t feeling too energized from the meals we ate day 1 (a scone for first breakfast, an almond strawberry croissant for second breakfast, a beer and schnitzel w/ spatzle at lunch had me with “the itis” for the first time in 30 days).

But, the Sushi we had at dinner treated me just fine. So score 1 for Japanese cuisine (Soybeans, soy sauce, rice and whiskey). Whatever the desert was, was not remarkable, not enjoyable and not necessary. Is desert every necessary? Yes. But this was really drab. Additionally, a 2nd whiskey later in the evening didn’t go down as good, but it wasn’t the top shelf I had earlier. It may be worth investigating the difference in American whiskey and Japanese whiskey, for science! After all, Whole30 is an elimination diet… I need to discover the things that treat my gut well and the things that don’t so I can make educated decisions about what I’m comfortable eating and what I’m willing to put up with.

Sunday I began to feel heartburn? I haven’t figured it out yet, but I want to blame sugar for causing it. I’ve never really felt it before though so I’m not sure if it’s heartburn or just my gut screaming at me to stop with the garbage. But all in all I’ve been making better decisions about food than before Whole30. We did go a little ham on Super Bowl Sunday, where I ate the brownest plate of food I’ve had in months. At least it was air-fried…

On Monday I went back to my new eating habits, because it’s easy. Eggs and chili for breakfast, broccoli “cheddar” soup for lunch… dinner deviated to pre-Whole30, but I feel like we’re still in a splurge mode. We’ve resolved not to go back to our old standard, but to have some flexibility now…. like bread! I got some Ezekiel bread, hoping to have a tuna sandwich with the taste of wheat again tomorrow.

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