ServiceNow – adding currency & country conversions

This week we were tasked with including another country’s currency in to our Procurement system within ServiceNow, with the added desire to convert the currency automatically. It wasn’t too crazy, but every community post I saw mentioned the “Country Code” aspect of it as if it were enabled by default. And I wasn’t able to find a specific guide about how to do it. To remind myself in the future:

Define your instances country for default currency. It’s implied but not defined at least in the instance we have access to. That can be done in the Locale Code section of System Localization. They are two letter language . two letter country code. Here is the list of acceptable options.

Then we had to add the Country to the User form. That was just as simple as modifying the form layout to include it. Afterward, adding the country, by name, including the three letter country code to the Choice List.

And finally, including the currency if it doesn’t exist already. Like the country we added we were surprised it didn’t already exist. But adding it as a currency and having our procurement form include the option led to the type of behavior we wanted: depending on the users country, all currency on the instance is converted automatically, behind the scenes.

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